Saturday, August 06, 2005

This was a good one

Only Saturday night, and it's already been a super weekend!

Friday afternoon I drove down to Cedar Rapids to visit Ardith and spend the night. We had fun, naturally! We watched movies, ran errands, and Ardith fixed us delicious stir-fry.

Ardith wants to tell you about the Saturday shopping.

So I got to drive four hours, and spend time with Ardith, and then come back to find my calculus book waiting for me. The list price is $151.16, and I bought it for $25.00. That's 16.54% of the list price, which means I saved $126.16, or 83.46%. Not bad, right?

This semester I may spend less than $100 on textbooks!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sharon!

You'll have to check out my site for some pics of you. :-) I wasn't sure if you would want me to link your site, so I thought I'd ask you first. Do you mind if I do?
Great news on the textbook! It's always fun to save some money!
Had fun with you today.


Sharon said...

Nice pictures, Miss Camera Lady! Hmmm... maybe with your help, I can finally get my profile picture updated.

Of course you can link to me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note! It is always great to hear from you. I look forward to getting to see you again when school starts back up. Where are you going to be living? Enjoy the rest of your summer and take care. Oh, and thanks for the reminder that I need to get on text book shopping!

Anonymous said...

ick! calculus! (i think that might be illegal for language majors. you might want to check.) sharon! i can't wait to see you in two weeks! it has been soooo long. and just think... a much-matured (heh) poetry club awaits the both of us! -lw

Sharon said...

Ashlee, I'll be in Westy... I'll email you.

Well, Laura, I don't care if it is illegal. It will be new and challenging and fun!

I can't wait to see both of you.