Monday, August 08, 2005

Just life

Who could spend six hours driving and shopping and talking, and love it? Only three girls! That's what we did Sunday... Sarah has some pictures and Rebekah has some write-up.

Today Trevor and I had a nice little conversation, while I was working and he was watching. We established that: he likes ants and dislikes crickets; all planes are big; he would like to go to the moon someday and plans to get back down by means of our ladder; big dogs might not eat him; my work was hard, and we were both hot. Thankfully, lunchtime came and rescued us.

And I came across another wonderful German word!


It's pronounced kvah-dra-tish.

What does it mean?


Okay, I'll tell you. It means square (the adjectival form). How delightful to connect anything square with those truly beautiful quadratic equations (that is, truly beautiful when they come out nicely). I think we should take this even farther... why say "Shape up!" when you can say "Quadratish up!"


Anonymous said...

Was it really six hours? Wow...leave it to the females! :-D

Anonymous said...

You made a little mistake Sharon:
Quadratic equations are not in the least bit "truly beautiful." They tend to be annoying and sometimes very nasty.


Sharon said...

Derek, some people might not think a carbine or a musical chord beautiful. It's all in your Gesichtspunkt, your point of view!

Anonymous said...

The pics of my hair do tend to make it appear more brown than it truly is...but the "after" picture isn't too far off.

Trevor is so cute!!! I didn't know he could say more than three words ;-) you have a new saying to use when a sibling is misbehaving! "Quadratish up!"

See you tomorrow night! I haven't forgotten about your picture, by the way. And I think I may have already said that to you in a comment a while ago...

Sharon said...

I don't remember. You can say it again!

Trevor? He can talk anyone's ear off if he wants to.