Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I despise "blog rants". So you will never hear me "rant" on this blog... or in person, hopefully. That said, if I were a ranter, and if I wanted to rant about anything, I'm sure my ranting would be over weblog comments.

There must be two philosophies of comment out there.

The first person says, "Oh, good, someone commented on my blog. Now I'll go to their blog and leave a comment in response to their comment on mine."

The second person says, "Oh, good, someone commented on my blog. So naturally I'll respond to their comment on my blog with a comment of my own on my blog."

Now, the question is how each person thinks...

The first person thinks, "Here we are: two people having a conversation, only it's online. Obviously I'm talking to this person and not just carrying on a thought, so I'll respond on this friend's own site."

The second person thinks, "Here someone is: a friend is commenting, and I want to carry on the conversation by responding. Naturally, we're both interested in what we're discussing, and we'll both keep returning to the same place to carry it on."

This first method (not the person) frustrates me slightly, since it results in very disjointed conversation. If I were ever to read over old posts and comments, who knows if I could dig up the relevant comments from others' blogs? But each to their own.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first method focuses on the people involved, while the second focuses on the topic of discussion. Naturally, we need both people and a topic for conversation. May I just say that the second method seems slightly more logical?


Martinez said...

In response to your comment on my recent quote-laden post, I have posted a comment on my blog (I agree with you that method 2 makes more sense). In response to this particular post, I have posted a comment here on your blog (as you undoubtedly discerned). Perhaps Option #3 is leaving comments in two places at once...

Talk about "disjointed conversation"...

By the way: I was going to get around to linking your blog on mine recently, but after reading your "Housekeeping" post (Wed. 7/27/05), I decided against it for the sake of your privacy.

Sharon said...

Oh, goodness. You're very kind, and I'm very sorry I didn't explain that privacy business better. I switched my blog status from "Public" to "Private" since this blog is primarily for family and friends, and I prefer that others access it that way - either through my giving out the link, or family doing so, or friends - or even my sister's friends! - rather than unknown persons stumbling across it. I seriously wouldn't be worried about anyone who came via your blog, or via any blog linked on my sidebar. But, of course it's up to you, and I appreciate your consideration.

Martinez said...

Well, in that case, I'll get you linked right away. There's only one thing to do first; it's actually the reason I never linked you before...

My "system" for linking others is to re-word/rearrange the title of the actual blog: thus, Ardith's title, "Wanted: Sanity and a Larger Monitor" becomes "Seeking Sanity and a Superlative Screen," etc etc. I find that this system allows me to practice wordsmithing while paying homage to the proprietors of the various blgos.

Unfortunatley, your blog poses a bit of a problem. In spite of my desires, time and opportunity have robbed me of any but the most rudimentary knowledge of Latin (which I'm assuming is the language your title is written in). If I am to devise a proper link-title for you, I have to know what the title means.

Of course, if that's a secret for the Latin-Speakers-Only club, I can always play the "I Have No Idea" card...but I'd rather be accurate to the original.

Sharon said...

Okay, Pastor John, I followed your #1 with my #2!

Martinez, my title's no secret; it just had to be in a different language, naturally! Actually, I'm thinking about changing it because it takes too much explaining...

Linguarum perita is the feminine form of "linguist", literally, "skilled in languages"; parvissima is the superlative of the adjective parva, "little".

The title could be translated The Littlest Linguist or The Littlest One Skilled in Languages.

I'm not a linguist and not exceptionally skilled in languages... I just enjoy them. Your question reminded me that I need to change the title. It's just hard for me to say good bye to the lovely Latin music of this one, even though it doesn't quite fit.

Anonymous said...

Ma chère, as long as you remain shorter than fits.


Martinez said...

The old Latin title did have a nice sound to it... *bids farewell to the old Latin title*

I have added your blog to my link list. I won't tell you what my title for you is; you'll have to go see it for yourself. ;-)

Sharon said...

Oh, goody! I love surprises.