Friday, March 10, 2006


Well, what do you know... no classes this afternoon, because our student professors are protesting the CPE (Contrat de Première Embauche - Contract of First Employment), like all the other good students and concerned young people. Tuesday was the first big demonstration day, yesterday the government passed the CPE, and Saturday - I think - is the next demonstration, after that we'll have to see if it really takes three strikes... or more.

In the meantime, I don't mind four extra hours in the day!


Anonymous said...

Yes...but, mmmm....what about earning the credits for the classes and all that?

Tell them, "Don't make me call my chère maman and have her come over here....!"

Sharon said...

Hey, that's their problem, not mine. Anyway I don't think I'll be taking the final exams for those two particular classes.

The really funny part? Well, actually, I'll post about that on Monday. Don't let me forget.