Sunday, December 04, 2005

Good things

This list began with the first two items and snowballed from there.

-My senior thesis is done!! 22 pages instead of 20. The due date had been moved from last Tuesday to this Tuesday.

-I figured out calculus problem #103 mostly all by myself. Suddenly I love calculus!
Calculus homework finished by 3 p.m.

-Time for a walk.

-Found some delicious recipes to try out when I get home.

-Forced to research the French worldview for a 9-page paper.

-Green tea and Lindt.

-This paper must use 12-point Arial font with 1.25-inch margins. I usually use 12-point
Times New Roman with 1-inch margins. This translates into roughly 1.5 fewer pages.

-This paper is nearly outlined, which means it's over 50% done.

-This paper is the last of the semester! (if you don't count a blue-book exam)

-Hearing the Messiah playing on CD in our room.

-Having Christmas lights in the window.

-Being relatively warm.

-Having about 1.5 pounds of chocolate in my drawer.

-Sleeping straight through the night 2 nights in a row.

Brought to you in no particular order courtesy of the right side of my brain, because the left side's done enough today.


Anonymous said...

C'est le plus merveilleux, ma chère :-)

Here are a couple more:

-online translators :-P
-remembering that 40-pager you wrote for me.....
-children that are smarter than their parents (well, most of the time....)
-Dove's Dark Chocolates--sorry, just can't get over my pedestrian tastes....please pray that Wal-Mart has them when we go to the dentist tomorrow.
-life's little ironies :-) i.e. Chocolate and Dentists in the same town....
-flannel sheets and an electric blanket

Sharon said...

I'm glad you added to the list, ma chère maman.