Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Tuesday Night's Forecast

Half past nine o'clock and all's well!

So far we haven't forgotten the Christmas tree lights, the stove burners or the lamps, and so the house hasn't burned down... yet. Personally, I think a blaze sounds like a lovely way to warm up. Especially with this approaching killer snowstorm, first of the season (for us) that the meteorologists are eagerly jumping all over in their haste to finally put some fear into the hearts of viewers who begin to think that the snow finally heard of global warming. If we get a good dump, it will be fantastic for building snow forts and starting snow battles to top the Empire's takeover of the Rebellion's headquarters on Hoth.

I predict a late night for everyone. . . late for children who can't sleep for thinking about the storm, and late for the three of us girls staying up to enjoy Austen's masterful interplay of characters in Pride and Prejudice.


Ma Hoyt said...

Give my regards to Master Darcy.

Sharon said...

Mommy, I think you could make even Mr. Darcy laugh.