Saturday, January 15, 2005

Out Of Context, January edition

Middle of the month and it's time for those quotes. If they're related, no spaces between. This means that a lot of the morbid ones actually aren't related.

Ardith: "Eyes bigger than your stomach, huh, Derek?"
Ethan: "But that's not true. Your stomach is bigger than your eyes."

Jason, concerning The Taming of the Shrew: "And what you don't often hear about is that the woman had a nose shaped like a shrew's nose."

Nolan, on seeing a cat: "I wish we could have a rifle and shoot it. That would be interesting."

Carolyn: "Do you want to die first, Trevor, or do you want me to?"

Ardith: "Yes, my inner homicidal tendencies have been brought out."

Jason: "One man's medicine, another man's poison."

Carolyn to Derek, concerning LOTR: "If Kendra was just let, I don't think you'd be let... yet."

Derek: "Hey! Join my side, Jason. I'm an island in a sea of angry waves."

Carolyn: "I've used up all my [computer] game time. I'm going to play something educational."

Nolan: "I'm not much tired. I'm just a tweency tired."

Jason: "I'd take chocolate. It has a quick pickup. . . and a l-o-n-g letdown."

Carolyn: "I'm drawing a spiritual horse."

Ethan: "I know why they wear a bullet-proof vest. So no one can mmm them."
Sharon: "So no one can mmm them? You mean, stab them?"
Ethan: "Yeah, with a gun. ... I mean! You know what I mean!"

Ethan: "I know how to use a sling. You look where you're going to throw it at, pull it back (well, put in a stone) and aim for a LITTLE BELOW where you want to hit."

Trevor doesn't say a great deal yet, but still manages to make his statement. Get a load of this cool dude.

Thanks to Melinda for serving as beautician.

It's time to get these kids in bed so I can get them out tomorrow morning.


Ma Hoyt said...

Keep writing down them quotes, ma chère :-)

Sharon said...

Oui oui, maman.