Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Tonight I made the switch from Public to Private. My brothers and sisters read this blog, and I'd rather not increase their vocabulary with words I've never even heard myself... even if that exposure comes very indirectly and unintentionally. This weblog began as a private venture (originally just to comment on my mom's blog) and it will remain private, especially so I can keep in touch with my beloved family while I'm overseas next year.

By the way... if your blog is linked on the sidebar, and you want me to remove it, let me know, and I will be happy to do so. Not happy to take you off, but happy to respect your wishes in any way.

If your blog isn't linked on the sidebar, and you would like me to add it, let me know, and I will be happy to consider that.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Nothing online is ever entirely private, and external links are always followed at one's own risk. Feel free, of course, to delete any inappropriate comments made by visitors. (Most Blogger users, fortunately, don't have to deal with the kind of comment spam I delete constantly.)

Oh, if you'd like me to take you off my sidebar, I will.

Sharon said...

You don't have to take me off, unless you want to... or unless you start sending spammers my way! I don't mind being linked by friends or my sister's friends. Actually, your linking my blog was a pleasant surprise. :)

You're right, of course, to be online is to be public. But then, I'm not trying get an audience.