Saturday, May 14, 2005

Out of Context, April / May Edition

And the Ides roll around again. Quotes have been scarcer the last couple months. Or maybe I'm just not listening!

Derek: "Be polite and let me go first."

Carolyn (very giggly): "You're crushing me!"
Sharon (also very giggly): "I am-m-m?"
Carolyn: "I'm crushed!"

Ethan: "I know what I was born for! To be loud!"

Ethan: "I'll be there in a minute."
Carolyn: "Okay, I guess I'm King of the Mountain. Bye - - Prince."

Ethan (concerning boys' laundry): "It was 2 feet by 2 feet, compacted--"
Kendra: "Really."
Ethan: "--like 500 clothes in 1 square foot!"

--En route to Texas--

Carolyn (after 10 minutes): "Well, the van seems to be stickin' together."

Jason: "I don't call that a sprawling suburbs. I call that an irresolute housing development."

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