Friday, June 14, 2013


I don't know about you guys but I HATE colds. Forgive me for using the h- word. I have said in the past that I would rather break my leg than get a cold, I suppose that is extreme but whenever I have a cold I still feel that way.

This cold hit me like a wagon of bricks that stopped and catapulted all the bricks over at me, the first few fell like random allergy-induced sneezes and the rest came down late last night, as we were finishing up Bible study and hanging out with friends... Actually the real WHOMP was around 3am when I found myself lying in bed struggling to swallow without extreme trauma. I immediately self-diagnosed strep throat although  I have to admit the pain wore off partway through the next morning, so there was probably no way it was strep... Anyway without sickening you with all the dirty details of a cold, this one is progressing so fast that I do have some slight hopes maybe it will already be wearing off by Saturday, which would be nice, since I had plans.

The crazy thing about a cold though is that sensation that ripples all through your body, the sensation that every single one of your kazillions of cells is only functioning at 20% capacity or less and it is just not quite enough for you to move without fatigue.

But can we all agree that pain pills are a lifesaver? Pain pills have seriously decreased my misery level more than that DayQuill stuff did. I love pain pills, don't you??! Don't worry... I did not even come close to taking the amount they say you can.

Well I hope you are all staying healthy and far away from illnesses of every type, and enjoy breathing in the beautiful air!

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