Sunday, September 25, 2005

After the Sunday night homework

Today I figured out why we have pencils. Pencils are for non-math majors taking math classes. That, or a pen + lots of scratch paper.

I sincerely wanted to type out for you some of the ridiculous algebraic contortions a few problems sent me through today, but it just wouldn't work, at least not on Blogger. Fortunately I'm not a math major and I don't have to now regret not selecting a blogging service that has such capabilities.

Hopefully you don't get the impression that I don't enjoy Calculus I. Believe it or not, I do... mostly. It's just that math class, for me, is more of a foreign language class than the foreign languages classes I've taken. Let's hope this means I'm fulfilling my culture shock requirement before going overseas.

Hopefully, as well, I will soon have the time to sit down and write a long, substantial post. Just don't count on it.


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, ma chère. Pencils were made so little kids could use them as ammo, thereby breaking the lead inside the barrel, and thus annoying the older kids no end as they (as in, the older kids) attempt to sharpen said pencils.

Sorta makes ya glad yer in college, don't it...

Sharon said...

Now I wish I were sitting in the living room at home, even studying, just so I could watch the kids doing their school - or - doing something.

anna said...

Bah. Pencils are for all people taking math classes!!!

Sharon said...

That's good to hear. :)