Thursday, March 03, 2005

What's happenin'

Actually, not that much, and why anyone would want to hear about my life - that is the unanswerable question. I shy away from diary-style blogging, while avidly reading it in blogs of friends. But I have to remember that some readers don't live with me in the house, and some of those don't read Mommy's blog (in which case, please let me refer you to the "Pa and Ma Hoyt" link on the sidebar).

Daddy and Mommy have been home for a month now, which is just dandy with this little girl! Daddy is much, much better... he is up and around the entire day, exercises every day, takes the stairs twice as fast as before and many more times a day. He has upgraded all the computers in our computer lab (with Jason's help), set up a computer for Trevor, has both his upstairs and downstairs computers running, and he upgraded Mommy's as well (mixed results still coming in). He and Jason have been setting up high-definition TV in our living room, adding a 21-inch monitor above the TV with superior colors and clarity. Sadly, Daddy has a cold right now.

Well, what can I say about Mommy that she doesn't already post on her blog? She's also back into the home routine, including her janitorial job at the church up the road. If I dare say it, she is turning into more of an Internet geek than some of her own children. As long as I publicly admit that referring to her as a 'geek' may get me kicked out of the will, I should have plenty of witnesses for the trial.

Ardith tells us she may be up for Spring Break week after next. Can I brag on my sister? She had two offers for positions at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids. What fun to have a popular, sought-after older sister! All of us are looking forward to seeing her graduate from LeTourneau in May.

I study Spanish or German every day and otherwise try to help out where needed. I am the one they send into town on errands. After all, every teenager loves to drive, right? Actually, I do, but don't let that slip, it could be awkward. I'll have you know that I saw FOUR deer en route to prayer meeting last week, and hit none of them. Currently I'm overseeing Jason's and Derek's Greek, and Derek's writing.

Other miscellaneous notes on the kids under me, i.e. whatever pops into my head first...

Jason - planning an extensive filming production
Kendra - surpassing me at the piano
Derek - taking over the Age of Empires world
Melinda - reading voraciously
Carolyn - loving horses, especially pet stick-horse "Trigger"
Ethan - still springs for feet and no mute button
Nolan - new hero is Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes
Trevor - daily adding vocabulary for new 'annoy-the-big-kids' tactics

8:41 P.M. and all's well.


Anonymous said...

hey sharon. it's good to hear how you're doing!

Sharon said...

Thanks... if I just knew whom I was thanking...