Saturday, December 04, 2004

Weekend means entertainment

Yeah, I may get in trouble for this one, but it seems to me that new vocabulary requires practice.

So, to run back to Thanksgiving break, Tammie and I enjoyed a rather confabulatory ride home, especially since it took us three hours longer than usual. In fact, ten-hour trips in a small car with snow shutting you in produce conditions very favorable to confabulation. Once home, I enjoyed still more confabulation with my family, though a different degree of confabulation. The natural type that comes from years of knowing someone, till on a level so comfortable that it's hard to classify the conversation, because one doesn't even think about it. I think that's one thing that frustrates me about college. One has to always be thinking about what to say. It's all due to a social equation which says that one's number of friends (and perhaps even one's comfort level) is in direct proportion to one's ability to confabulate. But maybe it's better that way. Makes it easier to distinguish the real friends.

I'm afraid we're not a very deipnosophistic family, even over Thanksgiving Dinner. At least not in the usual sense of the word. Our conversation tended more towards the opposite extreme, somewhere in the wilderness beyond confabulation. That doesn't mean we aren't skilled in table talk, just not the fancy-restaurant variety. Actually, our variety of deipnosophism follows the unique theory that laughter aids digestion. If these two simultaneous actions hurt your stomach muscles, realize that they're in need of exercise. Especially if you're going to eat some of that ridiculously rich pecan pie.

Yesterday I gave a presentation on my 10-page French dissertation in class. I suppose, by an extreme stretch of the imagination, one could consider that a deipnosophistic exercise, minus the gastronomical aspect. In all seriousness, it went very well. I was nervous, felt like I was having trouble communicating all my logical developement, almost stopped a few times. But Prof. Schram said it was excellent. What a relief. I'm glad I went first. This next week, all I have to do for French class is read L'Etranger (Camus) one more time, and of course, prepare for the final. And listen to everyone else's presentations, which will be easy, since I won't be thinking about mine.

Hmm. . . I just discovered that this post was unconsciously inspired.

To whom it may concern: working on the pictures, i.e., the sites tried so far haven't been working, but I hope to have them linked by tonight.

Everyone stay warm and start thinking about Christmas. Never too early.


Ma Hoyt said...

I can't be-LIEVE I just saw this today! (12/8)

Your post reminded me of one of the reasons I married your father. True, he will never be accused of being a confabulant. But when he DOES decide to deiphnosophisticate, he is one of the most interesting people I've met

Sharon said...

I'm so glad you married him, Mommy. :)