Monday, December 13, 2004

Looking ahead

Three more days till home for Christmas, and then some. I'm staying home the spring semester to help run the homestead. Just so no one has any doubts - I want y'all to know that it was my choice to come home. I offered quite a while ago when I learned that Daddy would need to stay in Rochester for three months. But we didn't know when Daddy's transplant would be, so we couldn't plan.

I can't wait to come home! It took long enough to work up excitement for college, now after three semesters I feel very ready for a break. Not many people have that privilege. Fortunately, language credits through placement tests have moved me up a whole semester, so if I return to Grace in the fall I will still be graduating with my class in '07.

I just wish Ardith could take a break too, but she needs to graduate this spring. At least all of us kids will be together for Christmas. It will be a little different, but still very wonderful! It has been so comforting to know that Grandpa and Grandma Baker have been with the kids during these weeks.

Finals are humming along. . . French and Spanish down, only Sociology, Science, and German to go. And lots of packing, and cleaning, and goodbyes to say. I really don't see how all this can be crammed into two more days, but somehow it will.

By the way, I think everyone should read L'Etranger, or The Stranger, by Camus. It's good to confront the theory of absurdism at least once in your lifetime.


Ma Hoyt said...

See, I didn't realize my life story had already been written.

*crosses that off list of things to do*

Sharon said...

Mommy, I think you should still write your life story. Just look at how many people read your blog!

Ma Hoyt said...


"I came, I saw, I got married-and-had-ten-kids-and-a-bunch-of *gasp* -varicose-veins-(or, ten veins and a bunch of kids, I forget which)
and-a-really-sick-hubby-and *gasp*
I conquered!"

There, how's that? :-)