For lack of any better ideas, the last 24 hours of freedom.
After finishing my exam and getting in my Internet time, I arrived back at the house around 5:30 p.m. and then proceeded to celebrate the end of the semester in all the best ways: washed the dishes, enjoyed two sections of a bar of dark chocolate, took a walk, ate a quick supper with Silvina before we left for our small group. Normally the group meets Friday nights, but for the moment it's been changed over to Thursday since everyone suddenly realized last Thursday that they were less tired and sharper for a Bible study. Last night we had 'guests', that is the youth group leader and his wife, Frede and Ale(jandra). Frede had been in San Salvador for the last month visiting his family for the first time in some 25 years. He had some good stories to tell, like how much worse the colectivos are and how strong the heat is, how he couldn't bring back hardly any food through customs, and how some people say that the U.S. is to blame for the country's current situation because it helped out both sides in the civil war.
He gave a short study in Nehemiah, and of course we spent time chatting and eating... for those who hadn't had supper, pizza. Plus there was something called gancha, from Peru; it is a little like popcorn - inflated corn well roasted in oil and salted. But it retains the shape of the corn, doesn't look 'exploded' like popcorn. You're welcome for that scientific explanation. Then there was a strawberry torta (normally translated 'cake', 'pie' in this case) that Ale had made.
Since Ale(jandro, fiancé of Emi - how confusing are these names and shorter versions?) had brought the car, we got to ride back home in luxury instead of taking a colectivo. Went to bed around 1 a.m.
This morning after managing to sleep in till 8 a.m., I got up and didn't sit down once except for breakfast. How lovely is that? (someone's tired of sitting and studying) Cleaned my poor neglected room and washed the dishes and cleaned the front of the oven and swept the floor and organized the semester's papers and notes to put away and drank maté, of course. Silvina arrived home from work and we had lunch.
If that was very boring, don't worry. Now I'm off to hunt up the travel agency that is supposed to be hiding in a shopping center some few blocks from here, in order to get some info for making travel plans. For one thing, finding out if it's cheaper to take the train or the micro (a bus like the colectivo, but for longer distances).
Till the next time! Everyone enjoy your weekend!
So are you coming home soon? Or plan to do some more travelling?
December 4th is the departure date. Originally I didn't know exactly when the semester ended. Now I get more time to visit, travel (a little) and of course keep improving my castellano.
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