Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Tuesday afternoon

Finally! It only took a month to get my computer up and running. Computer Services finally installed the virus scanner (after I dropped it off last Friday... of course, that was after hours), which I hope was the last problem. Seems that Ardith and I have both had our share of difficulties.

Today has been one of those days. Started out below 50 degrees, and now it's above 80. I hope this does not portend a hard winter. The Grace campus was obviously not designed with winter in mind - long walks between buildings, and our chapel auditorium lies at the bottom of a steep hill. These I can live with. Walking into a wind so freezing cold that it gives me a headache, that's a different story.

On a more literary note, yesterday I wrote the check that ensures my trip up to Stratford, Ontario, to see two Shakespeare plays, along with Professor Sauders (head of the English Department) and about 30 other students. We'll be leaving early Friday the 1st of October and coming back late the next night. Sandwiched in between those eight-or-so-hour trips will be sightseeing, a hotel stay, and of course "Macbeth" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream". (my apologies - blogspot in Windows 2X doesn't seem to have as many options for creating posts, i.e. italics!) I heard about this last year, and the more I considered it, the better the opportunity seemed, especially since this particular theater is acclaimed as the finest in the Western Hemisphere. Just a warning in case I disappear weekend after next.


Ma Hoyt said...

I am jealous! No, I am most happy for you. I had a chance to go to same event 'bout 25 years ago but was talked out of it by my piano teacher. I had an upcoming event and would have missed several days of practice. After all that, I didn't even play very well!

This is the same thing Suloways went to every year. Keep taking advantage of all these great cultural opportunities. (I can always use it as fodder for bragging on my offspring to others)

Ardith said...

Hrm. You get to go out of the country before I do.

Sharon said...

Good point.