Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Best Medicine

A few I've picked up from my sociology book -

Real Headlines

"Police Begins Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers"

"Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case"

"Iraqi Head Seeks Arms"

"Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim"

"Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in Ten Years"

"War Dims Hope for Peace"

"Stolen Painting Found by Tree"

and my personal favorite,

"Miners Refuse to Work after Death"

Brought to you by the Society for the Advancement of Criminal Humor (SACH, pronounced in a weak imitation of German with a guttural gag on the end).


Ma Hoyt said...

You're starting to sound like some of those "whackos" from Letourneau. *shivers*

Loren said...

And I thought that this was a REAL Society. Oh well.

Sharon said...

Who said it isn't a real society?