Saturday, December 29, 2007

Why we have sisters

Today's entry is in honor of my older sister Ardith, who kindly put me up on the way home, not to mention put up with me - especially for getting there way too early.

This is Ardith shoveling her drive! - early on a Sunday morning with a windchill in the single digits.

Not to mention that she cleared all the snow away from my car.

And this was the view from Ardith's front window. Doesn't she have a lovely neighborhood? Especially when it's decked out with snow.

By the way, no matter what you may hear from skeptical acquaintances or cynical family, Ardith is a fabulous cook. She fixed up a delicious creamy chicken curry for Saturday's supper. Everyone who knows her should go pay her a visit sometime in 2008 and let her show off her cooking.


Ma Hoyt said...

Yes, and those skills were acquired more indirectly than you know...

I taught her to read and after graduating from college she bought cookbooks.

Sharon said...

Oh, if that's how it works -

Then you took her to the beach to play in the sand and later she started shoveling snow?

Ma Hoyt said...

I don't recall a lot of what happened at the beach beyond efforts to ensure everyone came home alive.

I did make Ardith mow part of the lawn a couple of times, which no doubt has made all the difference in keeping with her present situation.