Thursday, July 26, 2007

Balderdash Greek

Forget language classes. Learning another language is more like a game! I will prove it to you. Let's start with Greek!

Greek uses a different alphabet, which is very beautiful. But to make this simple, I will just use English letters.

Guess what these words mean:




And, just for kicks, a bonus easy one:

asteres planaytai

(Big Hint: These words are all taken directly from the book of Jude)


Ma Hoyt said...

"I am a programmer"

"from the planet Zophos"

"I wish to be a despot"

And the bonus easy one was:

(something about) "stars"

I personally found it much easier not to think it was from the book of Jude.

What's my prize?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, my having taken a little Greek won't disqualify me.

" ' ' am commanding"



and lastly?...

"heavenly bodies"
"heavenly beings"
