Monday, February 21, 2005

Your German for the day

Came across this word while reading, and it's been running back to my mindfront all day. I suppose it wants to get out and infect some other minds.


I was going to post the definition, but what fun would that be? Why don't you figure it out! If you think it's fun to read, believe me, it's even more fun to say. If you say it right.

Hint: it's an adjective, one that I hope never describes me, or you, or any of us.


Ma Hoyt said...

This is just a wild guess, since I am WAY too lazy to look it up. Much more fun to take an uninformed stab at it, anyway:


(sounds like someone coughing during Octoberfest celebrations)

Sharon said...


I kind of expected one of your definitions, Mommy.

Anonymous said...

hey Sharon, i didnt know that was you posting on my xanga, so inspected and it was you. hope everything is going well. miss ya.
Sharon(the one in which you get your name)