Friday, February 11, 2005

Just a little fun

Ran across a couple cognados falsos in Spanish today.

If you want to say you're embarrassed, don't make it worse. Embarazada actually means that you're. . . well. . . with child. 'Embarrassed' in Spanish is apenado(a) or avergonzado(a).

So there really is some truth in living for weekends, vacations, retirement. . . have to wonder if the biblical Year of Jubilee had some connection with another generation retiring. . . Voy a jubilarme! I'm going to retire!

Yippee. Only forty-five years to go.


Anonymous said...

haha. we were doing a dialogue exercise in spanish one day a doctor advising a pregnant woman. naturally the "embarrassed" topic came up. apparently trying to justify the false cognate, a guy at another table asked a girl, "would you be embarrassed if you were pregnant?" she tentatively replied, "um, i guess it would depend on the situation."


Sharon said...

I guess it would. :)