Thursday, December 23, 2004


You may have noticed a few changes on this blog. If you didn't, that's all right - I will now inform you of the significant ones.

Ardith gave me a few HTML editing tips, so I have expanded the sidebar to include some links of interest to myself and hopefully to you also.

1. You can now access the (2) blogs of my family (and soon some of my friends, or perhaps blogs I deem worth visiting).

2. Well-educated includes educated on current events, therefore, I have provided several links to news sites, in different languages of course.

3. 'Sites of the Month' should be self-explanatory. In the interests of promoting knowledge, and especially knowledge in the context of languages and linguistics, I would like to post links on a general theme each month. This month's theme is French websites. I realize that very few French-speakers visit this blog, but you might want to visit the sites anyway. Some have interesting pictures or maps that you could track down (with a little guessing and perspiration).
For those who don't feel like following up on my hour+ of research. . . no guilt intended, unless of course you want to feel some. . . remember that December is fast closing the rather frigid doorways of 2004, and soon will come a new year, a new month, and a new topic.

I have carefully ordered these websites for optimal experience.

--Gymnastique Linguistique: tracing French to its root language, Latin, with a few activités;
--Le Figaro: similar to Le Monde, focus both French and international;
--Histoire en Ligne: French history, complete with geopolitical maps;
--A la lettre: All the info on French authors and their works that you could want;
--Glossaire linguistique: Explanations and diagrams for linguistic and typographic terminology
--Tolkiendil: dedicated to Tolkien, with essays, games, illustrations, etc.

I suppose some of these sites might be translatable, if you'd like.

Enjoy and become more cultured. And you can take that any way you want.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon,
Next month I vote to get out of the Latin based languages. :) Greek or Russian is nice. That way, no one can even guess what's going on. :)

Have a great day!

Sharon said...

Good idea, Rachel! Any suggestions for websites? I should see if I can write a post in Symbol or some other Greek font.

Thanks for commenting. :)

Sharon said...

Yes, it's Rachel Tyson. Who else would suggest Russian and Greek?