Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Blue Screen of Death

Finally, finally that computer experience I've always missed out on.

Yesterday morning, as usual, I turned on my computer as soon as I arrived at work. Moments after I had logged in, it jumped to a blue screen to inform me that it was beginning to dump the physical memory. I almost passed out!

It told me that if this was the first time I had seen this screen, I should try to restart the computer. But it refused to respond to anything, Ctrl-Alt-Delete or the power.

So I unplugged it, and that fixed everything.


Thainamu said...

You unplugged it--but did you plug it back in??

Ma Hoyt said...

And it's always nicer if that happens on a work computer as opposed to the personal type.

I'm always tempted to shoot non-compliant personal computers, whereas that might not be an option at work.

I'm thinkin'...

Sharon said...

Of course, I did plug it back in... just ran out of time to say that.

Well Mommy, we do have some important documents saved on our computers. But since that happened first thing in the morning, the computer must have realized, "Oh no, I was going to dump all the RAM, but there's nothing there to dump! so I'll just freeze up and make my user think I'm slowly and cruelly destroying e-ver-y-thing."