While we were cheerfully working in the Language Department this afternoon, Profesor N. let out a whistle and informed us that there were "veintidos matados". Prof. B. suddenly was surprised - the last she had heard was 2 dead. I hadn't heard anything, probably due to work and class. It was a shock. But not so much as driving home and having the music station interrupted by a Fox special news report informing that 33 were now dead on the southern college campus.
I just don't understand how anyone could do that.
A few minutes later, on the last road to home, a commercial came on.
Music: "Raindrops keep falling on my head..."
Announcer: "Do you need to replace your wiper belts?"
That was hilarious! Just imagine what a pathetic car would let you know you need your wiper belts replaced by the raindrops hitting you. What kind of reasoning process did that script writer have? Sorry for laughing at him, but it was really funny.
Frankly, I don't understand that either - how sadness and joy in life get so curiously juxtaposed. It must be the goodness of God to keep us sane.
Wait--do wipers have belts in your part of the country?
Oops! That's funny. :)
Of course, I meant windshield wiper blades.
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