Friday, February 09, 2007

School and Snow

Well, I guess I should finally get this post to the press...

First the news:

They hired me!

Warsaw Community Schools.

Well, here's the story. I took an application home to fill out and worked on that over the weekend. Then the next week came, the Super Bowl, and snow and cold. First the schools put up announcements of two-hour delays, then they canceled school for Monday. Same thing happened Tuesday. Wednesday was just a two-hour delay, so I finally got the application in.

The lady glanced over it and said, "Oh good, you speak Spanish! And French! Wendy was just down here asking if we had anybody..."

I got back home around 6 p.m. to find a note informing me there was a position. It was too late to call, so I called back at 8:11 the next morning (Thursday). Went in for an interview and the next thing I knew, I was signing lots of papers and being handed a tag with my picture and Miss Hoyt.

Miss Hoyt is going to be an ESL Instructional Assistant at the Warsaw Community Highschool!

However, we had to wait till Monday to meet a high school staff person who was out of town. So on Monday I went back to meet her and the ESL team with whom I'll be working. I got a parking sticker that says I'm WCHS staff, and lets me park on the other side of the building, so I shouldn't have to trek through the whole building to find the Resource Room next time. It's important to not get lost on your first day of work, especially in a high school of 2,000.

Today was to be my first day, provided school wasn't canceled. I got up at 5:30. Then school was canceled. The snow wasn't to come till afternoon, but the 40-mph gusts had started in the morning and were already making nice drifts with the snow we had. Of course all the schools canceled classes, and of course Grace didn't (except for night classes, which of course I don't have on Tuesdays).

It wasn't hard to get to school. It was more fun coming back, partially swimming through one intersection and plowing into the driveway. Fortunately, Uncle Rene and Aunt Vici snowblew the driveway once everyone arrived home. It'll probably be ready for more tomorrow.

By that time, school had been well canceled for the next day. Oh good, now at least two of us will be free to clear the driveway tomorrow morning!

Well, till I do get to start work, I can keep practicing the 5:30 wake-up.

In the meantime, we're all surviving the snow fine, getting high and happy on Valentine's Day chocolate.


Thainamu said...

I learned a new word by reading your post: snowblew. And congratulations on the new job! This is part time, I assume?

Sharon said...

Oh, is "snowblew" not correct, Thainamu?

Yes, the job is part-time for now. Since their school year extends past ours, I wouldn't be surprised if I could work full-time for the last month.

Ma Hoyt said...

Now, once you have a coupla days' work under your belt, don't forget to give us a nice little report :-D

MoM said...

Glad to hear about the new job...sorry about all the snow except you know there were lots of happy kids when school was cancelled. I know you are making a certain Ma very proud of her offspring.

Sharon said...

Yep, we could hear some of those kids playing outside in the snow!