Friday, March 27, 2009

It's going to be a long, blonde life

Well, since none of my siblings are posting, I guess the torch is left to the one who probably shouldn't even be allowed to have a blog, let alone write for it...

Today is Saturday, which means yesterday was Friday. Kendra and I spent Friday evening exploring the trails which lie between her dorm and my chicken coop. Then I had a brilliant idea. I had coupons for Dairy Queen that would expire March 31, and Dairy Queen was nearby. Why not use them before they expired?

After some debate, we finally settled on using the one that would get us a wrap and a blizzard. Let's clarify how the coupon worked. If we bought a blizzard, we got a free wrap.

So we got up to the checkout, placed our orders, and the girl asks, "What size blizzard?" Kendra is about to opt for a small. I think, Wait - why not get the most possible? "Kendra, do you want a large? Can we get a large with the coupon, ma'am?" The girl looks at the coupon and informs us that it doesn't specify a size, so yes, we could get whatever we wanted. So I voted for a large. Kendra was rather overwhelmed at my generosity - if you can picture Kendra being overwhelmed.

We got out to the car and she asked me why I had paid for a large blizzard? I said I was just trying to get the most possible off the coupon. Then I thought about it.

What can I say. Nope, nothing. Let's just say goodnight there. and hope someone's learned her lesson from that one.


Thainamu said...

:-) I like people who can make fun of themselves--shows a good self-image.

Ma Hoyt said...

This experience will help prepare you for middle age, when you start doing things like that all the time.

Sharon said...

You're such a comfort in my young age, Mommy.

Anonymous said...

Wow! After reading that post... well... what can I say?


Sharon said...

Try. I would LOVE to hear what you have to say about it, Derek.

Anonymous said...

Well, come to think of it, I could have said something like this: "I would never have expected it of you, and yet I am not surprised at you."

But, honestly, I don't think I really expected a response from you.

Es ist in Ordnung. Jedermann macht Versehen.

-Derek Hoyt

Hayley said...

Sharon, this whole experience is exactly like something that would happen to me. And I can totally see Kendra's face while she is asking you why you bought the large one! This is just making me laugh, so thank you for being such a great storyteller! (. . .maybe it comes from your mom. . .)

Sharon said...

Hi Hayley! Oh, it's so good to have some confirmation from a non-blonde that they could do this too. ;) really glad you enjoyed it. But oh my goodness, read my mom's blog if you want some real laughter...